Thursday, October 30, 2008

Why do we meet and celebrate Sabbath, New Moon and the feast of YHWH as a group or community?

Anyone or a local community can assemble together for worship at any time. However as believers in Messiah Yeshua, there are certain specific times at regular intervals YHWH has appointed for community worship. He has scheduled an appointment for us to meet with other believers on the Sabbath, on Passover, and at all other appointed times listed in Leviticus 23. If He is truly our YHWH than mark our calendar these appointed times well in advance.

When we plan other activities, we will schedule them around YHWH's appointed times. Unless something is very urgent, we will not cancel our appointed time with YHWH to do something else. We will view our appointments with YHWH as a very high priority. “But I ‘m not a Jew” some believers think that the appointed feasts of Leviticus 23 were just for Jews. However, please note that YHWH calls them "The Feasts of YHWH" and My Feasts" It is true that they are sometimes called “the feasts of Israel” (or even “the Jews’ feast of tabernacles” in John 7:2)

However, this is only because the feasts were appointed for the people of Israel: Israel is the nation with whom YHWH schedules these appointments. Some believers or Christians might say “Then that lets me off the hook, because I’m not an Israelite!” Yes, we are, we may or may not have physical Israelite ancestry but when we believe in Israel’s Messiah, we are a part of Israel. Read Ephesians 2 and Romans 11, you will see that we are now a part of the commonwealth of Israel and the olive tree of Israel just like Rahab , Ruth and other Gentiles who left their pagan ways behind and joined themselves to YHWH of Israel. If Israel’s Messiah is our YHWH than remember to mark His appointments and guard them cos they are precious!


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